

ABC 10News Pinpoint Weather for Sun. Aug. 22, 2021: Warm-up through this week

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After a relatively cool and mostly cloudy weekend, conditions are set to change.

The first few days of the week will stay mild, then the heat kicks back in mid-week. Highs start to jump back to above-normal. Heat peaks Thursday and Friday, bringing lower 80s along the coast and lower-90s for inland valleys and mountains. Desert communities will see significant warming, jumping from right around 100º this past weekend to 115º by the end of this upcoming workweek.

Gradually, the marine layer will weaken. It will likely continue to build along the coast overnight, but as temperatures start to pick up, the marine layer will mix faster in the mornings, making way for sunshine through the majority of the day for most of the county.

The monsoon looks to hold off for yet another week. Keep in mind, there is still another month of monsoon season. The little bit of rain that fell this past weekend was from the Pacific, not monsoon moisture from the south.

This past weekend actually set a record for cool daytime highs. In Ramona, the previous record for the coolest daytime high was 81º set back in 2003. Sunday, Ramona only warmed to 77º, setting a new record for the coolest daytime high on that date.

Monday's Highs:
Coast: 73-80°
Inland: 77-83°
Mountains: 78-87°
Deserts: 99-106°

Follow ABC 10News Meteorologist Leah Pezzetti on Facebook at Leah Pezzetti 10News, or Twitter and Instagram @LeahPezzetti.