Valley View Hotel & Casino: Holiday Trees & Dining Specials You Won't Want to Miss


Valley View Casino & Hotel has decked the halls with beautiful holiday displays you won’t want to miss.

Teaming up with Unicorn Jewelry & Watch Boutique in Rancho Bernardo, they created a series of luxury trees sure to dazzle.

There are 12 displays in total throughout the casino and hotel, each with its own unique theme ranging from glittery and light to rich and bright.

All of these displays are first-class, with breathtaking designs to bring you a winter wonderland here in sunny San Diego.

Plus this Christmas, you can enjoy a homemade all-you-can-eat meal at Valley View on Tuesday, December 25th.

Head to the award-winning Buffet from 11:00am to 8:30pm to savor prime rib and Maine lobster options with all the fixings plus 100 feet of festive desserts.

All guests can enjoy this feast for just $32.99, or as a qualified Players Club member, you’ll pay only $25. Players Club membership is free!

Explore San Diego’s favorite place to celebrate the holidays – visit them today and learn more at

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