Mission Federal Credit Union and the San Diego Council on Literacy Partner for a Financial Literacy Competition



Financial Literacy Superheroes Competition

General Information & Guide

The San Diego Council on Literacy in partnership with contributing sponsors, hereby introduces this Financial Literacy Superheroes Competition…to promote good money management habits among young people and families in the San Diego region!

Youth and their parents/guardians are invited to compete for awards and cash prizes with the aim of creating outstanding and original art pieces that teach one or more of the following financial literacy concepts:

Financial literacy lessons to teach

  • The importance of saving money
  • Budgeting money and making ends meet
  • Repelling predatory lenders
  • Borrowing wisely
  • Knowing the good & bad about credit 
  • Building charity into your budgeting

In this competition, artists of all skill ranges, comic book fans, everyone, is invited to compete for cash prizes, ranging from $500 to $1,250. Here are the age group, family, and prize categories:

$500 General Prizes (3)

  • Ages 4-6 (one child, one parent/guardian)
  • Ages 7-10 (one child, one parent/guardian)
  • Ages 11- 17 (one child, one parent/guardian)    

$500 Solo Entry (1), one teen only, between the ages of 11-17

$1,250 Teen Team (Two $1,250 scholarships for one team of two) between the ages of 11 and 17

In four of the five competition categories we require collaboration between young competitors and a parent/guardian.

 In the “Solo Entry” and “Teen Team” categories, we prohibit parent/guardian engagement.

Parent/Guardian must sign the entry form to give permission for the child’s engagement in the competition.

Deadline for receipt of Entries: Friday, March 11, 2022

 Awards Ceremony: Saturday, March 26, 2022 at The Comic-Con Museum, Balboa Park

Best new superhero concept Awards/Prizes will go to contestants who submit one full-page entry that excels in meeting the following criteria:

  • Presentation of a clear and strong financial literacy message.
  • Presentation of an original art concept.
  • Presentation of an original superhero concept. 
  • Presentation of an entry that is attractive overall. 

Additional Criteria

  • All submissions must be one page only.
  • The submission can be a comic book cover, a traditional comic book page with panels, or a poster format.
  • Entries must be in a portrait layout (like a comic book…not landscape.)
  • Submissions can be in color or black and white.
  • Entries can be produced electronically or by hand.

Here are the steps towards submitting a winning entry:

  1. Study the criteria and financial literacy concepts.
  2. Produce an entry.
  3. Fill out the entry form. Be sure the entry form is signed by a parent or guardian.
  4. Submit the entry form and artwork to the San Diego Council on Literacy, either by email to contact@literacysandiego.org or to the following address:

San Diego Council on Literacy
3245 University Ave., #301
San Diego, CA 92104

  1. Art works can also be submitted to the San Diego Council on Literacy website by following the directions below.
  2. Send all inquiries by email to contact@literacysandiego.org

NOTE: By submitting an entry form and entry, competitors are giving the San Diego Council on Literacy permission to publish their work via social media and through television and newspaper formats. All entries remain the property of the artists.

Directions for submitting art works to the San Diego Council on Literacy website

Take a photo or scan of your artwork and upload the file in the form below.

Take a photo or scan of the signed entry form and upload the file in the form below. Download the entry form here.

If you do not receive a confirmation email within 2-3 days of your submission, please email Claire Couron at contact@literacysandiego.org . You can also contact Claire for any questions you may have.

Before submission, please read the contest rules here.