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Vaccinated San Diego mother and son reunite one year later

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SAN DIEGO (KGTV) -- There have been many tragic events over the last year, but there was a celebration at St. Paul Senior Services Friday.

For the first time in a year, family members were allowed to reunite, to hug, to hold, and just be together again.

"It's a very special that we're here, I miss coming and watching you dance, and taking you for walks," said Mike McCarthy.

It's been over a year since Mike and his mom Eileen have been able so share those moments together. Especially Sundays. They really miss Sundays.

"We went to church together, and then we would go out after church and have a little breakfast and take a walk on the pier," said McCarthy.

Eileen McCarthy is one of 97% of residents here at St Paul's who have been fully vaccinated. St. Paul Senior Services shut down their facility March 2nd of last year, two weeks before the government shutdown. It was hard on families, but they never had one case of COVID-19.

"We have kept everyone here at St Paul's safe. And now with these vaccinations, we feel a whole lot safer," said CEO Cheryl Wilson.

On Friday St Paul's, along with CVS, wrapped up vaccinating all of it's staff and most of their residents. So after a year of lock down, the doors are beginning to reopen.

"These are big developments for people that have lived away from their families for a year," said COO Ellen Schmeding.

Now that both Mike and Eileen are vaccinated they can be together. And maybe one day soon, they'll have their normal Sundays again.

St. Paul's administrators say this weeks reunion would not have been possible without the staff members who worked tirelessly. Many working 10 to 12 hours a day. Constantly scrubbing, cleaning, and most importantly caring for the seniors there.