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'Time is ticking': Single mom in Chula Vista in desperate need of kidney transplant

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A single mom in Chula Vista in desperate need of a kidney transplant is fighting for her life.

ABC 10news sat down with Erendira Mosqueda back in 2022 when she was on a waitlist.

“I just want a little bit more time with them,” said Mosqueda, tearfully. “I feel like time is ticking.”

Mosqueda is a single mother taking care of three kids. Her youngest son has autism.

“My health is deteriorating, and I'm not able to do as much as I was able to two years ago. I'm weaker,” she said.

Mosqueda explains she was born with spina bifida. Because of that, her kidneys are now failing. She’s on dialysis, hooked up to machines inside of her home for 12 and a half hours each day.

She has been on a waitlist for a kidney transplant here in San Diego for years, but doctors tell her it could be five more years before it’s her turn and that dialysis is no longer working effectively.

She had a few potential donors, but she says those options either fell through or weren’t a perfect match.

Each state has its own kidney transplant waitlist — each list with a different length.

Mosqueda tells us she’s currently trying to get on a waitlist in Arizona, where it could be shorter, but it would come with a giant price tag. She’d have to relocate for an extended period of time.

“The last time we aired the GoFundMe, it helped tremendously,” she said.

After 10News ran Mosqueda’s story in 2022, she raised some money for her medical bills, which continue to grow by the day — along with her hope for a miracle.

“My hope and dream would be if someone steps forward here in San Diego and donates here in San Diego because my support system is here,” she said.

Until that miracle comes, she says she’s surviving one day at a time.

If you’d like to help support Mosqueda financially, you can donate to her GoFundMe page here.

If you’d like to get in touch with Mosqueda directly, you can email her:

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