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72-year-old flood victim moves back home in Southcrest after flood


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — ABC 10 News Anchor Aaron Dickens has followed Sukhui Rorholm since the storm, and she is finally back in her Southcrest home.

Everything is new, from floor to ceiling. It's a lot different than it used to look in April.

"Things are getting much better but I am so exhausted. I am back inside my home now," said Sukhui.

She is exhausted because she works on the house herself, from six in the morning until ten in the evening on some days.

"Contractors do the big job. I do the little jobs. I still have to do the doors and details," she added.

Walking around the house, you will see many frames painted teal—her favorite color. Sukhui said she wanted to create an uplifting environment.

"It makes me so bright because my heart was so dark when the storm came," she said.

Her hand-written letters to FEMA and keeping her receipts organized paid off. She got her FEMA money and stayed persistent.

"No one believes a 72-year-old person like me has that much energy. I think last week I went to Home Depot at least 20 times," she said.