

Vigil Held for Missing Activist in Chicano Park


CHICANO PARK, C.A. — A candlelight vigil was held Sunday for missing Border Angels activist, Hugo Castro, 45. 

“He felt he was being followed, he felt it was very dangerous what was happening to him,” said Border Angels founder, Enrique Morones. 

Morones said Castro took a Facebook Live video while in Mexico on Wednesday. Visibly distressed, Castro said he felt his life was in danger and needed help. 

Castro was in Mexico as part of a caravan to promote human rights. 

“What he was going to be doing was driving a car to Mexico City for the caravan,” said Morones. 

He said the last time anyone heard from Castro was Thursday when Castro called from a taxi cab in Mexico City. He left a voicemail on a relative’s phone. 

“We don't know who is after him and if there is anybody after him, but we do know he's alone and needs help,” said Morones. 

He said they have people in Mexico looking for him, but no one knows where Castro is anymore. 

“We don't know what's going on, but we take him at his word, and we're very concerned,” said Morones. 

Castro has worked with Border Angles for more than ten years. The group advocates for migrant farm workers and immigrant rights. 

“He's a very responsible person, I don't know anybody who does more work with migrants than Hugo,” said Morones. 

He said Castro is a U.S. citizen. 

Morones stated that they’ve reached out to the U.S. and Mexican consulate for help.