

Sweetwater Union High School District releasing revised budget after $30M mistake


CHULA VISTA, Calif. (KGTV) - The Sweetwater Union High School District is expected to release a revised budget for the current school year amid a report the district made a $30 million mistake.

A public hearing is set for 6 p.m. Monday at the district’s office at 1130 5th Ave. in Chula Vista, and district officials will likely hear from parents regarding the proposed budget changes.

According to a Voice of San Diego report published in late September, the district miscalculated its 2018-19 budget, leaving a $30 million shortfall. The district reportedly neglected to take into account items such as staff raises.

The county’s second-largest school district has faced years of scrutiny, battling lawsuits for bribery and sexual harassment scandals. The latest problems have many parents concerned the district will be forced to cut programs like after-school tutoring to fix the budget mistake.