

DC Daily: Trump says answer to stopping illegal immigration is to 'BUILD THE WALL'

DC Daily: Trump says answer to stopping illegal immigration is to 'BUILD THE WALL'

Here's what's making headlines in the political world on Monday, June 25, 2018:

President steps up immigration rhetoric
-- President Trump continued his call for tougher border security and improved immigration laws in a series of tweets that come one day after he stated those in violation would be deported “with no Judges or Court Cases.”

“Hiring manythousands of judges, and going through a long and complicated legal process, is not the way to go - will always be disfunctional. People must simply be stopped at the Border and told they cannot come into the U.S. illegally. Children brought back to their country......”

“....If this is done, illegal immigration will be stopped in it’s tracks - and at very little, by comparison, cost. This is the only real answer - and we must continue to BUILD THE WALL!”

Trump also went after the “fake news” media for its coverage on immigration.

"Such a difference in the media coverage of the same immigration policies between the Obama Administration and ours. Actually, we have done a far better job in that our facilities are cleaner and better run than were the facilities under Obama. Fake News is working overtime!"

Trump insults restaurant that booted Sarah Sanders
-- President Trump on Monday insulted a small Virginia restaurant that recently asked White House press secretary Sarah Sanders to leave.

The tweet serves to amplify a controversy that has been seized on by conservatives as an example of harassment of Trump officials by progressives.

“The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!”

Sanders said on Saturday that she "politely left" when the owner of the restaurant told her to go because she works for Trump. The owner Stephanie Wilkinson told The Washington Post in an interview Saturday that she "would have done the same thing again." Wilkinson did not respond to CNN requests for comment over the weekend.

The incident came shortly after Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen left a Mexican restaurant in Washington after protesters confronted her there.

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Trump slams "Tonight Show" host over “regret” about interview
-- President Trump attacked Jimmy Fallon on Twitter Sunday after "The Tonight Show" host expressed regret about a friendly interview during the campaign.

Trump's outburst -- which references a light-hearted moment on the show during the 2016 campaign -- is the latest example of him using his platform as president to respond to perceived slights made by entertainers.

".@jimmyfallon is now whimpering to all that he did the famous 'hair show' with me (where he seriously messed up my hair), & that he would have now done it differently because it is said to have 'humanized' me-he is taking heat. He called & said 'monster ratings.' Be a man Jimmy!"

Fallon said in response he would make a donation in Trump's name to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, a nonprofit group that provides legal services to immigrants.

The back-and-forth refers to a "Tonight Show" appearance Trump made in the fall of 2016, where the then-Republican presidential nominee let Fallon mess with his hair. The lighthearted appearance led to criticism for Fallon, who said in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter that he wasn't trying to "normalize" Trump or express agreement with his politics.

Chinese tech investment is next target in Trump's crackdown
-- The Trump administration is set to announce measures this week cracking down on Chinese investment in key technologies in the United States.

The move is expected to exacerbate tensions in the intensifying trade clash between Washington and Beijing.

The planned U.S. restrictions on Chinese investments in "industrially significant technology" are in large part fueled by American concerns about "Made in China 2025," Beijing's plan to boost industries like robotics, electric cars and aerospace with the aim of becoming a global leader in those areas.

The measures are set to include rules that would bar firms with at least 25 percent Chinese ownership from buying companies involved in technology deemed significant by the White House, according to a report late Sunday by The Wall Street Journal. The limit on Chinese ownership could end up being even lower, it added.

It remains unclear exactly how the Trump administration will define what technology is "industrially significant."

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CNN contributed to this report