

DC Daily: President Trump continues to slam Democrats


On Friday morning, President Trump vented over the approval process in filling the remaining spots in his administration. Trump took to Twitter and said:

The president also took a moment to praise a book on a merit-based immigration system.

Latest buzz in the political world:

Trump to push school choice in visit to Florida private school
-- The president is scheduled to visit St. Andrews Catholic School in Orlando on Friday to meet with students, parents and educators. In his speech before Congress earlier this week, Trump asked legislators to pass a bill that would fund school choice for disadvantaged youth.

Report: Trump's son-in-law met with Russian ambassador
-- President Donald Trump's senior aide Jared Kushner and ousted adviser Michael Flynn met with the Russian ambassador to the United States at a time when the Trump administration's relationship with the Russians was under close scrutiny.

Kushner's involvement in a meeting was first reported by The New Yorker, and Flynn's by The New York Times.

Trump administration may disregard WTO rulings on trade
-- The Trump administration could make a major break from U.S. trade policy and disregard the rulings of the World Trade Organization. In a paper released Wednesday night, the administration indicated that the U.S. is not bound to the WTO's rulings on trade disputes. That would be a big shift away from the practice of previous presidents.

"Even if a WTO dispute settlement panel...rules against the United States, such a ruling does not automatically lead to a change in U.S. law or practice," the paper said. "The Trump administration will aggressively defend American sovereignty over matters of trade policy."

President defends "honest" Sessions
-- The president went on Twitter Thursday evening to defend Attorney General Jeff Sessions from what he termed a "witch hunt."

Trump promotes military spending plan in carrier visit
-- Donning a Navy cap and jacket emblazoned with the USS Gerald R. Ford's emblem, President Trump told an audience of Navy sailors and civilian shipbuilders Thursday that a military buildup is both a way to prevent wars and, if necessary, win them.

"Hopefully it's power we don't have to use. But if we do, they're in big trouble," Trump said, speaking from the hangar bay of the newly built USS Gerald R. Ford, where a poster reading "100,000 tons of diplomacy" hangs on the wall.

The President said his planned $84 billion increase in the defense budget he has called for over the next two years would be "one of the largest spending increases in US history" and would result in a "major expansion of our entire Navy fleet."

First Lady makes surprise NY hospital visit
-- First Lady Melania Trump made a surprise visit to New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center Thursday, meeting and reading to children in the pediatrics unit playroom on "Read Across America Day."

Bush explains his fondness for Michelle Obama
-- Former President George W. Bush and Michelle Obama are surprisingly close considering their political differences, and the 43rd president credits the former first lady's appreciation for his sense of humor as a key reason.

"She kind of likes my sense of humor. Anybody who likes my sense of humor, I immediately like," Bush said in an interview with People magazine.

"I can't remember where else I've sat next to her, but I probably have a few wisecracks and she seemed to like it OK," Bush said. "I needle her a little bit and around her, I'm fairly lighthearted. (The Obamas) are around serious people all the time and we just took to each other."