

Owner retires before fire burns down his business

"I would’ve lost all my stuff": Owner retires before fire burns down his business
Posted 1:35 AM, Dec 15, 2022

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — “All I can say is that I'm grateful I left when I left,” said Brian Buggs, former owner of Brian Buggs' Postal and Shipping.

Buggs owned a postal and shipping company in the Webster neighborhood. On Sunday, he retired and removed everything from the shop. Then, on Wednesday morning, flames took over the space.

“Devastating how all that could happen in the matter of a couple hours,” Buggs said.

San Diego Fire says it started from a nearby dumpster and spread through the building. The fire completely burned three local businesses and damaged several others, but no one was injured.

“I could’ve stayed here a little longer, a couple days more and I would’ve lost all the stuff I had,” Buggs said.

Also grateful is Pouran Ross, the owner of Alex Menswear nearby. She saw the fire on the news and rushed over to see if her store was okay.

“I was shaking," Ross said. "I drove by, saw the store standing, said thank God.”

Ross says customers have been calling all day to check on her.

“They are like family, we all know each other and they support me,” Ross said.

Her store, like many others, has been in this strip mall for more than a decade. Ross says if they can survive the pandemic, they can survive this.