

The top 3 life-saving gadgets of 2017

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Accidents happen, but it’s good to know that in 2017 there are some handy gadgets to keep you going in an emergency or if you feel unsafe. Jared Cotter has the top three life-saving products to hit the market this year.

1.  LifeVac

If you or someone else is choking this device could save your life and it’s pretty easy to use. Just hold the mask with pressure creating a seal and depress the handle. Now quickly pull the handle upward while holding the mask in place. You can even use it on yourself if need be. It’s available right now for around $70.

2.  Wearsafe

This is the 21st century version of the classic medical alert devices. It’s a stylish device that allows you to get help quickly with the push of a button and a new and more efficient way to call for help. It also pairs with an app that will give the people you choose to connect with the ability to see where you are on a map and hear what’s going on around you once the button is pressed. You can get the device for free and just spend $5 a month for the service.

3.  Kingii

This cool invention is a portable flotation device that comfortably secures on your wrist and is compact so you barely know it’s there. Pick one up for around $90.

What’s the one safety device you’d like to have in your home? Join the conversation on our Facebook page, @TheListShowTV.