(KGTV) — A new 10News-San Diego Union-Tribune poll shows how Californians are feeling on a wide range of issues ahead of the November election.
In the gubernatorial race, Californians were asked who they would vote for if the election were held today. 57 percent said they’d vote for Gavin Newsom, while 35 percent said they’d vote for Republican Brian Dahl. Eight percent of those asked were undecided.

For the US Senate, voters will vote in two separate elections, both with the same candidates. One is for a regular six-year term while the other is for the remainder of the current term. If the election were held today, 56 percent of respondents said they’d vote for Alex Padilla, a Democrat, while 34 percent said they’d vote for Republican Mark Meuser. 11 percent of those asked were undecided.
RELATED: In-Depth: What's the difference between Prop 26 and Prop 27?

Californians were also asked about Proposition 26 and 27. Prop 26 would allow in-person roulette, dice games, and sports betting on tribal lands. 43 percent of those asked said they would vote yes while 32 percent responded they’d vote no. 25 percent of respondents were undecided.

Proposition 27 would allow online and mobile sports betting outside of tribal lands. 37 percent of those asked said they’d vote yes while 43 percent said they would vote no and 20 percent were undecided.

A total of 41 percent of those asked said they believe expanding access to gambling in California would be bad for the state while 37 percent said they believe it will be good.

47 percent of those polled said they occasionally visit tribal a tribal casino while 43 percent said they never do. Eight percent of those asked said they are regulars.

The poll was conducted from October 7 through the 10 and interviewed a representative cross-section of 1,400 California adults online.