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Voters react to Biden's mental fitness


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — President Joe Biden reiterated he does not plan to step down from the 2024 presidential race. Biden held a rare solo press conference Thursday night, following the NATO summit.

It was largely seen as a make-or-break moment for him to push back on criticism over his mental fitness. The president says he took three separate neurological exams that show he's mentally healthy, and Biden claims he's willing to undergo more testing.

But that didn't make a difference for many voters ABC 10News spoke to Thursday, who said they have serious doubts about whether or not the president is up for serving another four years.

"He may die," said a voter named Gabriel. "I don’t think he’s capable of doing the job. His mind is not there anymore. He used to be sharp, and I remember him in his first term. But his mind has been slowly going."

A new ABC News/Ipsos poll shows two-thirds of Americans — and more than half of democrats — now feel the president should drop out of the campaign.

That includes democrats like Lorie Taylor, who feels discouraged by Pres. Biden's performance in the last presidential debate.

"I was almost in tears, I mean it was so sad. I honestly think he should probably step down," said Taylor. "But I don’t know if that’s going to happen because he says he’s not going to."

Some other voters say they still believe Biden is up for the job, and that stumbles during his speech should not disqualify him.

"I think it came off a lot worse than it probably is," said one voter. "But the alternative of Trump, to me, is non-negotiable."

In that same ABC News/Ipsos poll, Donald Trump and Joe Biden are still neck and neck ... because of some voters' concerns about Donald Trump.

"Well let me put it this way, I can’t stand Trump," said Taylor. "I can’t stand him. So I almost want to say I’d vote for a slug over Trump."

Many say they're not fans of either candidate.

"Honestly I’m not sure. I’m not sure if I’ll vote," said Lorie.