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VIDEO: Woman caught yelling racial slurs, threats at black man in downtown San Diego

Man's mother speaks out about confrontation
Posted 4:47 PM, Jun 11, 2020
and last updated 1:54 PM, Jun 12, 2020

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) -- A San Diego mother is responding to a disturbing video showing a woman screaming racial slurs and threats at her son, a black man, outside a downtown luxury apartment building early Tuesday morning.

Shawni Crawley told 10News the incident occurred while her 29-year-old son, Rodney Jackson, was working as a security guard at the Pinnacle on The Park apartments located at 424 15th St. in San Diego's East Village neighborhood.

The video, posted by Jackson's brother, doesn't clearly reveal the woman's identity. In his public Facebook post, his brother wrote: "A snippet of an incident with my brother and a racist white woman downtown San Diego!!! This is America smh."

The video, obtained by 10News, shows the woman calling Jackson the N-word repeatedly during the two-minute confrontation.

WATCH: Man who experienced verbal attacked in Downtown San Diego is sharing his story

"If you're going to act like a n-----, then I'm going to call you n-----," the unidentified woman shouts at Jackson. "I don't [expletive] care!"

The woman then tells Jackson to put his head down, then says, "that's why we do what we [expletive] do."

Jackson is heard asking the woman what action she was referring to, but she never clarifies her threat.

According to Jackson's mother, the woman was kicked out of a party at the 45-story apartment building. The woman told Jackson she didn't have a ride home and requested he call her a cab.

While waiting in the reception area for the cab to arrive, the woman began insulting other tenants. Jackson then asked her to wait outside, which sent the woman on a profanity-laced racist rant.

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"Whatever she was going through, she took it out on my son," said Crawley. She noted being proud of her son’s calmness and composure throughout the confrontation but was pained by what she saw in the video.

"As a mother of an African-American son, to raise him all these years and keep him away from it -- to see him to have to endure it at this age now and I'm not able to protect him and or do anything about it … I cried," said Crawley.

"We see the world is changing right now and people are coming together," Crawley added. "To have hope but then to see something like this and feel like you're hopeless again is very hard."

The disturbing video comes amid national-turned-global Black Lives Matter protests against racism and police brutality stemming from the in-custody death of a black man, George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck as he begged for air.

READ: George Floyd's death magnifies conversation about systemic racism

Southern California made recent national headlines for incidences involving racism.

On May 4, a man walked into a Santee grocery store wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood. Photos of the man circulated online, stoking furor among community members, local leaders, and civil rights groups. Authorities identified the man and investigated the incident, then announced that "there was insufficient evidence to charge the man" with a crime.

Four days later, at a Food 4 Less grocery store located near the Vons, San Diego County Sheriff's deputies responded to calls of a man wearing a swastika mask inside the store. Deputies asked the man to remove the cover to which he complied.

On May 12 at Westview High School in the Torrey Highlands in San Diego's North County, a student's Snapchat's racist post spurred outrage among students and parents. In a screenshot shown to Team 10, the post from the student said: "god i really f------ wish the south won the civil war. i wish i had a f------- slave to do my work for me." Another student responded, "same."

RELATED: Webinar: Panel Q&A on Racism in America

The school's principal responded to the incident saying, "these actions will not be tolerated."

Just north of San Diego, the mayor of Temecula resigned after facing raging criticismover a June 2 email he sent to a constituent stating he didn't "believe there's ever been a good person of color killed by a police officer."

The Anti-Defamation League previously said during the coronavirus pandemic, they have seen attacks on minority communities, including an increase in anti-Semitism.

"History teaches us that during times of crisis people are looking for a scapegoat. During these times of COVID-19 we have seen the AAPI community targeted, as well as other minority communities, including an uptick in anti-Semitism. We are here for the community 24/7 and hope the San Diego community will come together and reaffirm that San Diego is no place for hate," an ADL statement read.