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Victim believes 'Bolder Than Most' rapist release is 'inevitable'


SAN DIEGO, Calif. (KGTV) — There’s a new petition for the early release of a man known as the ‘Bolder Than Most’ rapist.

Alvin Quarles was originally sentenced to 50 years in prison for multiple sexual assaults in the 1980s. He was dubbed the ‘Bolder Than Most’ rapist due to the way he attacked his victims at knifepoint.

“What if he does this again to somebody else? The only thing that sucks is we don’t know that,” said Cynthia Medina.

It’s been nearly 40 years since Medina was sexually assaulted by Alvin Quarles.

“He was so calculating in the way he did things,” said Medina.

Medina has spent the last four decades fighting to keep him behind bars. In 1989 Quarles pleaded guilty to committing more than a dozen sexual assaults. In 2014, he was committed to a state hospital as a sexually violent predator. In 2020, he was nearly released early before an appeals court overturned that ruling. But now, there’s a new petition for his release.

“They told us we wouldn’t have to worry about him again in our lifetime. So when we do have to worry about him, how do you trust anybody?”

Medina is a co-founder of the community action group ‘Your Voice Has Power.’ The organization says they believe Quarles’ release is inevitable.

According to the District Attorney’s office, Quarles has completed an extensive sex offender treatment program and been evaluated by multiple specialists who have cleared him for release.

The DA has requested, however, that an additional evaluator examine him before that final decision is made.