SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Picture this: a woman needs to get from Chula Vista to her job in Sorrento Valley. She uses an app to call a smart shuttle, which takes her to a transit center she hops on a subway, and is whisked away.
Or, she can drive on a toll lane and get across the county in 20 to 25 minutes.
"Think about the impossible, take risks. Keep going," said Hasan Ikhrata, the San Diego Association of Government's executive director.
Ikhrata and his team unveiled its transit vision for the region Friday, with a target completion of 2050.
The goal is to take the reliance off the car or make it more efficient for drivers with lanes that can change purposes based on traffic patterns. Still, it will come at a cost: $177 billion.
"It's expensive but I think it's worth the investment," Ikhrata said. "I think it's more expensive not to do it than to do it."
Ikhrata says the plan will have to go to a public vote, and that it could involve a tax increase. But, he said federal and state governments would match every dollar spent locally with nearly two and a half of their own.
Friday's presentation to the SANDAG board of directors was entirely informational, so there was no vote.
The agency's staff will return in December with more details on projects and schedules.