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Volunteers help collect data on homelessness in San Diego


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — In the dark, teams made up of volunteers and some city and county officials began canvassing parts of downtown San Diego, stopping where people have set up temporary homes, sleeping on sidewalks, in tents, or on blankets.

This survey is part of an outreach that’s done in neighborhoods all across the region.

“This is an everyday thing for them," said San Diego City Councilmember Joe LaCava. "We come out and do the counting then we go back to the comfort of our homes or offices...they are still out there."

During this “We All Count Point in Time Count,” teams offer gifts cards to those who are homeless in exchange for a conversation. The information from this survey will be compiled into a report that can help decision-makers establish what kinds of programs or resources people need.

"They met people who are economically homeless who couldn't afford their rent anymore to the individual who has serious severe mental health conditions and you understand the complexity of the problem and urgency of the situation," said San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher.

"And the humanity as this is someone's brother, sister, someone's friend.

This census is mandated every other year from federal funding but San Diego has made an effort to do it every year. This effort had been canceled last year because of the pandemic.