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Memories of Ocean Beach Pier Cafe live on, after permanently closing


(KGTV) OCEAN BEACH — It’s a familiar sound. Locking the gate at the Ocean Beach pier’s entrance. Also, the calmness of waves coming to shore.

Also a familiar sight, a car coming out of the pier. It is Chuck Fisher's. He is getting the remaining items from his restaurant.

"30 plus years. I am sounding old," said Fisher.

Fisher just turned 70. He and his wife have owned Walking on Water Cafe since 1993.

"We have weathered many storms. At the beginning of every season I said God, can you turn down that wave meter just a little bit," said Fisher.

The pier closed permanently last year because of storm damage. The city plans to build a new one. It could take years just to get the permits.

I was not allowed to walk further down the pier. But Chuck took video of what the cafe looks like right now.

"My favorite dish was the nacho supreme. I told the cook I wanted a half of a half," he said.

But most of all, he will remember the people.

"Everyone has a pier story. Whether it was an anniversary or the day they got engaged. Everyone has a story. That is the best part," he added.

Part of the restaurant will stay right here in the community. Chuck is donating many of the items to local businesses in Ocean Beach. When the new pier opens, I asked Chuck, would he open a new restaurant? He tells me, don’t count him out.

"When the city accepts offers for bids, I will be just like everybody else. Who knows when that will be. I just turned 70 last week. I don’t want to make that decision today," said Fisher.

But everyday, he says the memories live on.

City Officials tell us there is not an identified timeline for the pier, because they need to get the proper permitting and funding before that can all be determined.

The current estimated cost for the Ocean Beach Pier Renewal project is $170 to $190 million.