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California politicians react to averting government shutdown

A government shutdown was narrowly avoided on September 30, 2023.

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — The federal government dodged a bullet Saturday evening after the U.S. Senate passed a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown.

"I'm glad that we were able to get Republicans to give in and put a clean continuing resolution on the floor," Congresswoman Sara Jacobs told ABC 10News after the House initially passed the stopgap funding resolution before it went to the Senate for a vote.

In the week leading up to the votes, military families in San Diego voiced their concerns over the shutdown, which would have stopped their paychecks from coming.

"We won't be able to afford anything," one mother told ABC 10News Anchor Wale Aliyu.

Congresswoman Jacobs pointed the blame at "extremist" Republicans for the delay in avoiding a shutdown.

"It should never have even gotten to a point where service members were worried about their paycheck coming," said Jacobs.

Senator Alex Padilla issued the following statement:

“With only hours to go, I am glad we overcame the threat of an unnecessary, indefensible MAGA Republican government shutdown that would have hurt our economy, blocked critical disaster aid, and denied pay for millions of active-duty troops and their families. This spending bill contains important provisions, including one to avert a disastrous pay cut for our wildland firefighters.

“While we’ve avoided the worst effects of a devastating government shutdown, I’m disappointed that extreme MAGA Republicans in the House blocked overwhelmingly bipartisan funding for Ukraine at a pivotal moment in its fight against Russian aggression. I am eager to end the partisan games and move forward working on the issues the American people truly care about.”

Rep. Scott Peters also released a statement after the government shutdown was avoided:

“San Diego families can breathe a sigh of relief. I am glad that Democrats and Republicans put aside our differences, ignored the extremist wing of the Republican party, and put the American people and their livelihoods first. In addition to avoiding furloughs for millions of servicemembers and federal employees, this deal includes vital disaster relief, including funds for Hurricane Hilary relief. It also ensures our wildland firefighters do not face a severe 50% pay cut while we are still in fire season.

"However, we cannot continue to govern by crisis and last-minute deals. We must reform the budget process so the American people never pay the price for dysfunction in Washington. Finally, while this legislation unfortunately does not include necessary funding for Ukraine’s defense, I will continue to fight for the tools Ukraine needs to fend off Russia’s illegal invasion in the next spending bill.”