NewsLocal News


Principal helping students living in park find housing

Posted 1:05 AM, Aug 06, 2024

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Carmen Paniagua is from Nicaragua. She is living in Cesar Chavez Park with her three daughters. Her kids will attend Perkins Elementary School starting Monday. It is down the block.

"I am grateful to the principal. He gives us a lot of support no one else wants to give," said Carmen.

"They are children. They come here because they want what is best for their children. I want to break the cycle of poverty," said Fernando Hernandez.

Hernandez is the principal. He says with no where to turn, the school allows Carmen and her family to use the facilities and take showers at the school. Hernandez also stepped in on their behalf, speaking with the Port of San Diego to make sure they continue to stay at the park.

"We understand Governor Newsom has given an order to clear encampments. We understand there is political pressure. We are asking they wait as long as possible here at the park," said Fernandez.

And he says harbor police have been receptive. Hernandez is also reaching out to local non-profits to try to get the families in the park housing.

"There are a lot of wonderful people in San Diego. I am hopeful these families will find a place to stay," he added.