ALPINE, Calif. (KGTV) — "The final point of this job is to see your kids learning from what you have done. To see the growth they have done during the year," said Maria Alcala.
"You feel powerful, you are going to make a change in kids' life. They are going to remember you probably forever," said Veronica Cruz.
Maria Alcala and Veronica Cruz didn’t know each other before they both moved from Spain to Alpine. This was back in 2023.
It was for teaching jobs at Shadow Hills Elementary. Now they are closer than ever.
"Now, we have created a new life this is like home," said Cruz.
ABC 10News reporter Michael Chen was there shortly after they moved into a three-bedroom home in 2023. It is only steps from the school.
They each pay about $500 a month. Alpine Union was the first local district to offer affordable housing for staff. Superintendent Rich Newman says it has been a success. He is also supportive of other districts like San Diego Unified, following in Alpine’s footsteps.
"I think it’s a wonderful opportunity if the taxpayers want to assist in building the housing. We would love to expand and we have plans to expand down the road here as well," said Newman.
The teachers say they can now afford to get their own apartment. In June they plan to get one and move out of the house. They will continue to teach in the Alpine Union School District.