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Palestinian Youth movement rallies in support of Lebanon in downtown


SAN DIEGO (KGTV)— Tensions are rising in the Middle East, and dozens of demonstrators gathered in front of Federal Plaza downtown Tuesday, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon.

The rally comes after Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon have killed over five hundred in the last few days.

Roughly 150 people went out downtown for the rally organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement.

Palestinians in San Diego were joined by Lebanese living in San Diego, some with families still back in Lebanon.

Nader Damerji is Lebanese; his parents and a majority of his extended family live in Beirut.

He says he attended the rally to support his country and call for a ceasefire.

His parents were visiting San Diego a week and a half ago. They're now back in Beirut, and it is nearly impossible for them to leave.

"They can't leave; more than 30 flights cancelled the past two days," says Damerji.

The group Palestinian Youth Movement has been protesting the Israel-Hamas war for nearly a year now, demanding a ceasefire and for the U.S. to step in.

"Innocent people are paying the price, and the U.S. Government just stands on the sidelines and supports this with no action," says Subrein Tamanhoury, an organizer for the Palestinian Youth movement.

Damerji hopes rallies like the one on Tuesday will attract attention and lead to a ceasefire so his family can stay safe.

"We're all stand together; we're all in this, so a cease-fire for them is a cease-fire for us and vice versa," says Damerji.