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Naval Base San Diego celebrating 100 years

Naval Base San Diego celebrating 100 years with a Centennial Celebration. Festivities include music, food, a car show, and ship tours.
Navy Base SD.png
Posted 11:57 PM, Sep 22, 2022
and last updated 2:00 AM, Sep 23, 2022

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Naval Base San Diego was founded in 1922, but following 9/11, the gates were closed all due to the threat during that time. This Saturday, that will all change when the base hosts its Centennial Celebration.

"This is our time to bring that fence down and allow them to come on board," says Capt, Ted Carlson. "The public will get a chance to see what we do day in and day out."

100 years is something special, and the public is welcome to celebrate and enjoy a number of festivities.

"We have a concert, we have ship tours, we have a car show, a fun zone, food, you name it. It is going to be a great time."

Besides all the fun, Captain Carlson says those in attendance will get to see what an actual working base looks and feels like.

"You will see that we are doing maintenance on the ships around the clock to maintain the readiness for our self-defense."

There will be tours available on 5 ships including an amphibious assault ship, two destroyers, and the littoral combat ship, the USS Savannah.

"We are really excited to show off the ship," says Cmdr. Dan Sledz. "We are one of the navy's newest ships as we were just commissioned seven months ago in Brunswick, Georgia."

If you have never been on an active combat ship, there is certainly a lot to see and it will amaze you.

"You are seeing one of the newest facilities the Navy has for doing things like flight operations," says Sledz. You will also see the nerve center of the ship, where all the operations are done at sea"

The Centennial Celebration will be held Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. It will be a lot of fun and a learning experience for everyone.

"I think what I hope the public will take away is that the sailors in the Navy are very competent very professional. They are doing their part every day to defend America."