SAN DIEGO, Calif. (KGTV) - With this week's rain, a Mission Hills homeowner is once again facing anxious moments more than a year after a landslide from the yard of the home above threatened his property.
Rex Huffman first spoke to ABC10News in February 2024, as the mudslide from the home above pushed concrete and other debris into his yard on West California Street.
"There's nothing supporting those cinder blocks,” said Huffman, pointing to cinder blocks on the slope behind his yard. “If enough water gets in there, it's going to pop out.”
This week, as the rain started falling, Huffman's worries resurfaced.
"We're anxious. It’s not a good feeling to have, sitting below," Huffman said.
For Huffman, the lack of rain the past year has helped pause the landslide.
In the past year, Huffman says the homeowner above has removed the crumbling concrete patio, and has repaired a damaged shed on Huffman’s own property. A catch fence has also been installed halfway up the slope to try to stop any debris.
Nothing else has been pushed into the yard since last March.
"I think there are plans to reinforce this. I've spoken to contractors that are trying to bid it and get it through the city. Just don't know where that scope of work is now," Huffman said.
Until any further stabilization work is done, Huffman says it's a waiting game with the approaching rains.
"It's going to re-absorb all of that, and could come back down … It’s like living under a volcano ... Something still is going to happen, if it's not retained," he said.
ABC10News reached out to the property owner above for a timetable on a fortification plan but did not receive an immediate response.
This story was initially reported by a journalist and has been converted to this platform with the assistance of AI. Our editorial team verifies all reporting on all platforms for fairness and accuracy.