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Man sentenced to 31 years for driving off cliff with kids inside car


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) – A San Diego man, Robert Brians, is sentenced on Friday afternoon to 31 years in prison four years after he intentionally drove his pickup truck off of Sunset Cliffs with his twin then-toddler daughters inside the vehicle.

"I am thankful Robert's taking responsibility for his actions and ready to serve his time,” Jenna Brians, the girls’ mother, said.

The San Diego County District Attorney’s Office said Brians pled guilty on Aug. 9 to charges ranging from attempted murder to child abuse and kidnapping.

The DA’s Office stated that Brians took the children from his parents’ home in the middle of the night before driving away, planning on killing himself and his daughters.

“Attempting to kill your innocent children to hurt your spouse is beyond despicable,” DA Stephan said. “I am grateful to first responders who found this defendant’s whereabouts and were able to save the young girls from drowning. I’m also proud of our Family Protection Division for holding this defendant accountable for his unspeakable act.”

During a 2021 preliminary hearing, Jenna Brians testified that after Brians took the children, she exchanged several text messages with him as she tried to learn their whereabouts. At one point, Brians called Jenna on Facetime so she could say goodbye to the girls. Brians told her he planned to drive off a cliff in his truck while his girls were inside. One text message he sent read, “I told you girls are going to Heaven, and I’m going to Hell to wait for you.”

Deputy District Attorney Francesca Balerio prosecuted this case.

"Innocent children - and in this case even worse, your own children - to get back at your spouse is the epitome of evil, and that is what happened in this case,” Balerio said.

There was a daring rescue by a San Diego Police officer using a dog leash to repel down to the truck.

Saving all three of their lives after Brians sped off the cliff at roughly 70 miles per hour and into the ocean.

"Without him and that amazing dog leash, today we wouldn't be standing here with a victory. So, I'm just eternally grateful for life,” Jenna Brians said.

The girls’ mother said this sentencing brings closure.

"Not just for myself but for my daughters most of all. To know that their dad is taking responsibility for the horrific acts that he made that day and the choices that he's made; even the choices he's made these last four years dragging us through this miserable time,” Jenna Brians said.

Robert Brians’s attorney said he had no comment after the sentencing.

He's also being fined $20,000, and the judge will sign a 10-year protective order for Brians’s daughters as a part of his sentencing.

Domestic violence has many forms, including physical aggression, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, stalking, or financial abuse. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, frighten, terrorize, injure, or wound someone.

If you or someone you know is being abused, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

1-800-799-7233. More resources can be found on the District Attorney’s website[].

In addition, One Safe Place: The North County Family Justice Center provides free support services all under one roof to anyone who has experienced child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate crime, elder abuse, human trafficking, violent loss, family violence, or other abuse or victimization.[]