

San Diego immunocompromised residents start receiving vaccine booster shots

vaccine booster shots
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SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - Local residents with compromised immune systems have started receiving a booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, a week after health officials gave the go-ahead.

Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, Michael Adams' condition turned dire in 2002.

“We actually had a pastor come and read me my last rites. The very next morning, a nurse came into my room with a phone, and it was my doctor saying he had found a pair of lungs for me,” said Adams.

Nearly two decades later, the San Marcos resident is thriving but remains on medication to suppress the immune system.

As the delta variant surges, he is wary.

“It’s scary. Nervous when I go out,” said Adams.

So when he qualified for a booster shot, he didn't waste any time. He sent ABC 10News a photo of him holding his vaccination card after getting a Pfizer shot Monday.

“I don't feel any symptoms other than soreness at my injection site in my arm,” said Adams.

Adams says it was a similar story after his first two doses. After getting the booster, he's feeling more confident.

“Gives me a fighting chance to help protect these precious lungs inside my chest,” said Adams.

There is similar optimism for Donna Saracho. The Otay Mesa woman received a liver transplant in 2011. On Tuesday, she received her third dose of the Moderna vaccine.

After her first two doses, she suffered a sore arm, but no other symptoms. This time, she did feel other side effects.

“I had a swelling in my arm. I had a headache. I felt nauseous. I felt dizzy, That lasted for about a day,” said Saracho.

Saracho says it's a trade-off she'll gladly take.

“I definitely feel more protected receiving the third booster,” said Saracho.

Adams is also feeling that protection. In about three weeks, he'll be competing in an 8 Ball Pool tournament in Las Vegas.

“I’m going to feel a lot more comfortable now being around all those people, having this booster shot,” said

President Biden has announced booster shots will be offered for the rest of the vaccinated beginning the week of September 20, with a recommendation of eight months after the first shots.