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Court is back in session at the Whaley House

Court back in session at the Whaley House

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - The Whaley House is known to many as one of the most haunted houses in our area. The house and the family who built it and lived in it played a huge role in the history of San Diego.

A history that was revisited Tuesday morning when the Whaley Courtroom reopened to the public for the first time in more than a century.

Whaley House Operations Manager Victor Santana explains its significance.

“It’s a big part of San Diego’s history," he said. "This was the second courthouse before everything changed to downtown San Diego or New Town as it was known back then.”

To celebrate this important piece of San Diego history, the Honorable Richard Whitney presided over the cases heard in that courtroom.

“There’s a vibe sitting here, almost like there was a lot of history conducted in this courtroom," Whitney said. "When this court was active between 1816 and 1871, it was a pretty rugged town. Some of the Judges would ride down from Los Angeles on horseback, so my commute is much easier today.”

And while there haven’t been any reports about any sightings or unusual encounters this morning, Judge Whitney says, either way, all court rules apply, and anyone can enter.

“Everybody is welcomed whether they’re heave or earthbound. It’s an open courtroom,” he said.

In case you’re wondering, these cases were already on the docket for Tuesday. All of the parties involved were asked if they were ok moving it to the Whaley House.