SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - Video shows a man on a vandalism spree at a Bay Park church, smashing windows and doors.
Plywood now covers up a side door at Metropolitan Community Church.
“Disheartened, sad,” said Pastor Dan Koeshall.
A door was shattered, along with two windows, and surveillance video captured the vandalism at the door. Just after 4 a.m. on January 10, a man is seen spraying a soda bottle and then throwing it at the door.
Soon after, he's back. In his hands is a rock, which he chucks at the glass. Not far away, a window was broken by a cinder block.
Next up, the vandal tossed a decorative rock near the patio into a sanctuary window.
“Saps the energy out, and you think what in the world is going on?” said Pastor Koeshall.
In total, the repair bill will run between $6,000 and $8,000.
“Oh no, here we go again,” said Pastor Koeshall.
In a church office is a pile of police reports. In recent years, he says the church, a progressive Christian church, has been targeted by vandals.
Its Pride flags have been torn down several times. The church has also been tagged several times with anti-gay slurs.
“We've had spray painting on the building on windows and on doors, comments I won't repeat right there,” Pastor Koeshall.
Every few months, Pastor Koeshall says the hate comes from passing drivers or passers-by.
"Talking about what has happened, at Club Q in Colorado Springs: ‘You’re next.’ That kind of yelling from moving cars,” said Pastor Koeshall.
While there are no signs the latest vandalism is hate-inspired, the series of incidents have put the church on alert.
Pastor Koeshall says while the congregation has prayed for the vandal, he needs to be held accountable.
“I'd would want him to get help and then also to prevent that anger from coming out on another innocent person or innocent place,” said Pastor Koeshall.
The church does have insurance, but the deductible is $2,500. A Gofundme campaign has been set up to help pay the repair bill.
Anyone with information on the case is asked to call San Diego Police at 619-531-2000 or Crime Stoppers at 888-580-8477.