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Brothers sentenced in connection to good Samaritan Navy sailor death

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SAN DIEGO (KGTV) - On Monday afternoon, two brothers were sentenced in connection to the deadly freeway shooting of a Navy sailor who stopped to be a good Samaritan.

Edson Acuna and Brandon Acuna learned their sentences following the 2018 shooting death of Navy sailor Curtis Adams.

Edson Acuna was given a term of life without the possibility of parole plus 25 years to life plus 27 years and four months. He was ordered to pay $10,000 in restitution and pay for associated fines.

“He's going to be in prison for the rest of his life until he takes his last breath and I think that will give him time to pay these from prison wages,” the judge told the courtroom.

Edson Acuna was convicted by jury of first degree murder while Brandon Acuna pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter. On Monday, Brandon Acuna was sentenced to 13 years in prison.

Prosecutors argued that they burglarized a car outside of a Mount Hope home which led to a shootout with the homeowner. They tried to get away but a blown-out tire caused them to stall on the freeway. Adams stopped to help but Edson Acuna shot him after thinking that he was the homeowner from the shootout earlier in the night.

Harvey Liberato and Susana Galvan were also in the brothers’ car and have entered plea agreements.

The judge concluded the hearing by telling the courtroom that he hopes both men reflect in the years to come on the magnitude of the loss that their actions caused.