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Bill Walton was 'quite the presence," Mission Valley YMCA members say


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Nearly everyone from the court to the pool had a story to tell about Bill Walton at the YMCA in Mission Valley.

“As he got a little older, he wasn't as big. You know, he went from a seven, was he 7 feet, 1 inch? Down to like 6 feet 10 inches?” said Chris Loewer, a longtime YMCA member.

His statue greeted everyone who walked in, which employees say is exactly what he did in real life.

“Bill was tall, quite the presence. He'd come in saying hello to people, fist bumping where he could.." said Rob Sauvajot, the Regional Director of the YMCA.

According to the YMCA, Bill spent most of his time in the indoor pool because the water helped his chronic pain. He even said it saved his life at one point.

“He would do aqua therapy at the Y, and he'll actually tell you, you know when I spoke with him, he would tell me that that saved his life. Coming in and be able to get that type of exercise and fitness,” said Sauvajot.

But his real legacy was left in the locker room.

“'Rob,' he goes, 'I need your help. The shower is not tall enough because I'm having to bend down. Can you build a showerhead that's taller than the other showers in the locker room?' Sauvajot said. "Then, about a week later, after we did and he was using it, he goes, 'Rob, there's another problem. People are using the shower that are not tall.'"

To this day, Saucajot said the YMCA has a tall shower in the locker room with a sign advising people to allow tall people to use it.

Bill's positive outlook on life will be remembered, as he always embraced people with open arms- just like his statue.