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ABC 10News viewer helps San Diego mom after SUN Bucks benefits were stolen


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — An ABC 10News viewer stepped up to help a San Diego mother after her children's SUN Bucks benefits were stolen.

SUN Bucks is a program that gives $120 per child to eligible families, to help feed them during the summer months.

“My heart dropped and I cried,” Jessica Franks told ABC 10News earlier this month. Franks is a mother of three children, and one of her kids has special needs.

Franks recalled how she received her SUN Bucks cards in the mail and tried to activate them, but shortly after she found out that most of the money was gone.

RELATED: San Diego mother says money stolen from children's SUN Bucks cards

She said when she called to get more information, she found out all three cards were used online in Texas.

Her luck turned around when a viewer contacted ABC 10News.

A couple hours after the story aired on Aug. 7, a local man who wanted to remain anonymous emailed ABC 10News and said, “If she has no recourse to recover the funds, [he] would like to help her feed her kids.”

ABC 10News This Morning Anchor Melissa Mecija connected Franks with the anonymous donor in Solana Beach.

“I’m very happy [and] very fortunate I was able to receive help from someone today,” Franks said.

The donor gave her $900, which she said she would be able to use for food and back-to-school supplies for her children.

“I didn’t expect it. I just wanted to get this issue resolved. I didn’t think anybody would think anything about me,” Franks said.

SUN Bucks is a new permanent program in California, made available through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. When ABC 10News asked about potential fraud with the program, a spokesperson with the California Department of Social Services said they “do monitor for, and investigate potential theft attempts that are brought to [their] attention.”

A spokesperson could not say how much fraud there may be through SUN Bucks because the program is new.

While Franks hopes others who may have had money taken from them get some type of recourse, a department spokesperson said that would not be happening.

“The Department is committed to ensuring that all eligible families receive their SUN Bucks benefits in the most timely and secure manner possible,” wrote spokesperson Theresa Mier.

Mier said there are a few possible reasons why some families may have been unable to use their benefits immediately, including cards that may have been mailed out before cards were loaded.

As of Aug. 8, more than 4.9 million SUN Bucks cards have been issued, containing over $593 million in total benefits.

Mier confirmed as of Aug. 25, more than $379 million in benefits have been spent.