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A look at Ukraine and Trump's VP pick: What's at stake in the upcoming election


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Now that Trump has selected JD Vance as his running mate, his stance towards international conflicts is raising big questions for Ukraine.

ABC 10News spoke with Shield of Freedom President Mira Rubin to discuss what’s at stake in the upcoming election.

“People are constantly asking about American politics. They're trying to figure out what's going to happen to Ukraine and Europe in general,” said Rubin.

Rubin just returned from Ukraine, where she has friends and family. She says uncertainty and anxiety are at an all-time high with the U.S. election around the corner and potentially aid for Ukraine on the line.

If the US were to stop sending aid to Ukraine, Rubin said this would be devastating for Ukraine.

“...Ukraine's victory, unfortunately, is very much dependent on American support,” replied Rubin.

Meanwhile, members of both political parties have voiced support for Ukraine's aid. However, a segment of the Republican base, including JD Vance, has made its stance on the issue clear.

“What I would like to happen…is for Russia to go back to the 1991 boundaries and settle it there. What I think is actuallyrealistic, is Ukraine will probably have to cede some territory,” Vance has previously said.

Vance has joined other Republicans who are critical of continued aid for Ukraine — arguing that U.S. taxpayers have paid more than their fair share in support.

“I don’t think we should send any more resources because we don’t have a plan,” said Vance.

On the other side of the aisle, the Biden administration has argued that aid for Ukraine keeps U.S. troops out of the conflict.

“It’s a smart investment that’s going to pay dividends for American security for generations and help us keep American troops out of harm’s way,” President Biden said last year.

And now, Ukrainians are left wondering what will happen in November. Regardless of the outcome, Rubin says one thing is clear: “Ukrainians are not going to stop fighting.”