
North County's only comedy club looks to bring the laughs in Escondido

The Grand Comedy Club opened three years ago per its owner.

ESCONDIDO, Calif. (KGTV) - The Grand Comedy Club may not have the longest history in Escondido.

“We’ve been here about three years now,” Adam Wasserman, the owner of the Grand Comedy Club, said.

But, Wasserman has long ties to the community and wanted to bring the area a place to laugh.

“I grew up here, and I’ve loved comedy my whole life. And we always had to drive real far to go see real shows,” Wasserman said. “So yeah, it’s a combination of both; me being a comedian and wanting a space for comedy up here because there hasn’t been one in North County ever.”

First-time visitors and locals like Dillon Monell appreciate the desire to want to establish the only comedy club in North County.

“I appreciate downtown San Diego and everything, but I always enjoy to support where I grew up. And having a comedy club is a great addition to this little area here,” Monell said.

And well-established comics like Amir K are taking notice of the laugh house on Grand Avenue.

“Every comic in LA talks about this place as a great room to work out your material. It’s a very intimate room, so you can really polish something that you’re working on,” Amir K said.

After dealing with everything the last couple of years have brought, Wasserman’s glad he’s able to give a place for locals to laugh and show what Escondido has to offer.

“So really, it’s just social media and our customers telling people their friends about us and spreading the word. And we really appreciate that,” Wasserman said.

“Because we are kind of ramping up now, finally and more people are learning about us; enough to stay in business and keep bringing the big names to Escondido.”