

Homeless camps trashed after community cleanup

Posted 6:43 AM, Oct 06, 2017
and last updated 6:46 AM, Oct 06, 2017

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) -- An Ocean Beach man wants help to permanently get rid of trash plaguing the coastline. 

Jeff Jaszcak and three other community members cleaned two homeless camps at the bottom of Orchard Avenue and Del Mar Avenue less than two weeks ago; now, another camp has popped up at the bottom of Del Mar Avenue that is almost as worse as before. 

RELATED: Man organizes homeless cleanup in Ocean Beach

“This time it was just really fast, rapid, and a lot of trash over less than a week,” Jaszcak said. 

This time, he hopes that the City of San Diego will help him clean up the campsite for good by trimming plants and removing non-native vegetation that creates a type of shelter for homeless people to live in. 

“If we can get these removed, then we remove this habitat and now the shelter is gone," he said. "So no shelter, no trash.”  

When asked by 10News if the City would be helping, a spokesperson said now that they know about the issue, code enforcement crews will be evaluating the two locations for a cleanup next week. 

The spokesperson also said they have had reports of litter and a request to clean it up, but it was not reported as a transient encampment. 

“Ultimately this is about saving the ocean and keeping the surf break clean and just restoring this area," Jaszcak said. "It is about getting it back because right now it’s a battle between the trash and me.”