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Positively San Diego: 'Lasagna Love' is helping those in need one lasagna at a time

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SAN DIEGO (KGTV) -- It's lasagna-making time in the Rosenblatt home and mom Angela and her adorable 5-year-old helper, daughter Stella, are whipping up a big batch for strangers in need.

Angela says, "I think it's a very different message that we send when we put our heart, we put our soul, we put our time into providing a home-cooked meal for someone."

Angela is part of the organization Lasagna Love, founded by Rhiannon Menn who first posted her idea on social media in May. Angela was one of the first ten to answer the call to spread love through cooking.

"It inspires a little bit of hope. It confirms hope giving it forward that somebody cared enough about you," says Angela.

Angela makes about twenty lasagnas a week in her Del Cerro kitchen, which means she has given more than 500 so far. She says she started learning how to whip up great food when she was young.

"Growing up in the restaurant industry you cook with what you've got," says Angela, "it's always made with love. It's always made with some really great ingredients, but it's what I can get so I can feed as many people as I can."

Volunteers drop the meals off at people's doors for pandemic safety and recipients often make it clear just how thankful they are. That includes essential worker Abigail Eastman who says, "I'm very grateful to you guys in this time of pandemic. You guys are making a difference one lasagna at a time."

Sometimes, there is no feedback. Angela says she understands why.

"It's embarrassing to a lot of people, that this is the first time they have never been able to maybe provide for their family, and you can't be doing this for a thank you."

Certainly for Angela and the now 3,000-plus volunteers in 47 states feeding their communities, the true motivation is feeding the soul.

"I hope that is a lesson that I'm able to show to my daughter, that even though we're having a hard time we can continue to move through it and we can continue to show grace," says Angela.

Angela doesn't always make lasagna. Sometimes it's other dishes such as casseroles, but it's all made with love. If you're interested in cooking, delivering, making a donation or you need help, visit