Cristina Schaffer was behind the lens as a professional photographer for 17 years, but the images she captured after COVID-19 are unlike anything she took before.
"I took out my biggest lens, I was about 20 feet away she opened up her door and had words writing on her hand and she was such a bright light totally happy," Cristina described of a woman she photographed from behind a window who was battling stage 4 breast cancer.
It's all part of her 'front porch portrait' collection.
"They come to front porch and I just direct them from there. Each shoot's about 10 minutes unless its a big family."
Cristina started the project after COVID-19 forced everyone in.
"It was like 'let's take photos and capture a moment in time' and this moment in time is crazy unprecedented and I think that's what attracts people."
The photos were all taken from a distance.
"I let everyone know masks signs props are all welcome they can come out in their pajamas or they can dress up to the nines whatever they want I'm just there to capture them on their front porch
Her fee was a $20 donation. "Every dollar to goes feeding San Diego. $20 is for four meals so that really makes a difference," she described.
Some people gave more and in mid-July, she raised nearly $5,000.
"The compassion and gratitude I feel coming from everyone and being able to support the community at the same time has been incredible."
She also proved even amid a global pandemic, a photo was still worth a thousand words.