

Dave Roberts apologizes to taxpayers

Posted 1:17 PM, Sep 17, 2015

County supervisor Dave Roberts is apologizing to taxpayers. The county is now out $300,000 because of his alleged behavior.

“I am so sorry this has happened,” he said.      

Three former staffers are getting paid.

Glynnis Vaughan, Lindsay Masukawa and Diane Porter said Roberts ordered workers to spend time on his political campaign, that he had an inappropriate relationship with a male worker in the office, and even offered one of them a bribe to keep quiet.

"Spending even a penny on this I was opposed to,” Roberts said.

Roberts says those were misunderstandings.

But a three-inch thick binder released by the county lends a different set of facts. Emails, text messages and other documents seem to verify the accusations.

Asked how that money that they're getting seems to validate their claims, Roberts said: "To me, this is in the past right now and you're going to have to ask others.”

10News asked Roberts to address all sorts of allegations in the binder, but he kept repeating his message: he's focused on the future.

When asked whether an inner alarm went off in his head about his behavior, Roberts said: "I think the reason why this is now in the past is that severance payments were made."

Roberts said he didn't offer a bribe. And he's not resigning. In fact, he's running for re-election.

"I think when this election, which is a long way off, gets here, people are going to vote for where you stand on the issues,” Roberts said.

Roberts said he just wants to earn the people's trust back.

"Give me that second chance because everybody says 'you are one of the hardest working people we have ever known,'" Roberts said.