

Ants invade San Diego homes in summer heat

Ants invade San Diego homes in summer heat

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Joshua's Pest Control says they’re getting hundreds of calls a day just for ant infestations. Right now, conditions are perfect for bugs to reproduce.

“It’s hot and the bugs love it,” said Jessica Hamue, a certified entomologist who has worked with Joshua’s Pest Control for 12 years.

Employees at Joshua’s Pest Control say they’ve received an unusually high number of calls for ants this summer. Workers responding within 48 hours to spray the perimeter of people’s homes and put ant bait indoors, usually in the kitchen area.

“Around this time of year, they’re looking for water and food inside the homes,” Hamue said.

Hamue is an expert when it comes to insects. She says there are some easy ways to prevent ants inside.

“Avoiding keeping fruit on the counters, keep your pantries really clean,” Hamue said.

Hamue says ants can enter through your windows and pipes by climbing plants connected to your home so it’s best to trim them. And with some invasive ant species, kill on contact sprays will make the problem worse.

“If you were to spray them with something that makes them feel threatened, then they’ll divide their colony and then they start coming at you from different directions.”

If it gets to that point, a pest control worker can quickly solve the issue. Because there are often hundreds of thousands of ants you cant see.