

96-year-old veteran skydives in honor of the fallen

Posted 12:14 AM, Jul 05, 2018
and last updated 4:57 AM, Jul 05, 2018

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) -- At 96 years old, World War II veteran Thomas M. Rice remembers the details of D-Day vividly. 

"Jump altitude was scheduled to be 750 ft; I think I jumped between 350 and 450. I can't prove that but I took about two swings, and I was on the ground," remembers Rice.

The lifelong Coronado resident was an Army Paratrooper in the 101st Airborne Division.

Decades after the war Rice continues to jump out of planes in honor of the many who didn't make it home.

Most recently at the Montpellier Airport in France, on the 74th anniversary of D-Day.

"I do the jumping and try to remember them," said Rice. "Because they were killed, captured, or injured, or walked away, wouldn't talk about, and they didn't ever get a chance to grow up."

He says he'll continue jumping out of planes as long as he can as a tribute to the fallen.