

5 Incredible Things You Didn't Know About Star Wars

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Star Wars is back again, this time with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but before you rush to the theater Kristina Guerrero has five things you didn't know about the classic franchise.

1.  Special Effects Inspired by Real Conflict

Those special effects may be from a galaxy far far away, but they were inspired by real conflict here on earth. The space battles were styled on World War II dogfights. The computer controlled camera rigs helped pioneer a new age in visual effects.

2.  Empire Strikes Back Famous Line Ad-Libbed

Harrison Ford ad-libbed “I Know: after Carrie Fisher told him she loved him in the movie. Maybe it was to throw off the scent of their affair that Fisher exposed in her new memoir, The Princess Diarist.

3.  Chewbacca’s Voice From Animal Sounds

The loveable Chewbacca's voice wasn't computer generated. It was a recorded combination of a bear, walrus, lion and badger.

4.  Lucas Worried Star Wars Would Tank

Director George Lucas was so worried Star Wars would tank that he visited his buddy Steven Spielberg who was filming Close Encounters at the time. The pair agreed to give each other two and a half percent of each films profit. Star Wars, of course, went on to gross almost half a billion dollars, making Spielberg the clear winner of that friendly agreement.

5.  Han Solo Was Supposed to Die Sooner

Han Solo was actually supposed to die after being frozen in carbonite. Ford's contract was only for two years, but they extended it. Spoiler alert! They finally got around to killing him in the seventh installment.

WEB BONUS: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer

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