

Customers: Gym owner charged us after closing

Posted 5:52 AM, Dec 16, 2015
and last updated 7:15 AM, Dec 16, 2015

Members who were part of Family Gyms around San Diego claim the owner has a history of keeping their money.

Joe Ochoa was not happy to see our cameras when we showed up Tuesday night.

"You're here at my house and it's not right and I'm asking you to leave," Ochoa said.

Several San Diegans say Ochoa kept charging them for memberships after he closed all four of his Family Gym locations. Ochoa blames the billing company, ABC Financial.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ochoa said. "I'll give you a number, you can call me, ok? But you're not going to do it on camera.I'll gladly take care of whoever it is."

But one 10News viewer says this isn't the first time Ochoa pulled something like this. The viewer claims he was a member of Ochoa's Family Gym when it was open in Coronado back in 2010. The viewer claimed his family lost $600 when Ochoa suddenly closed up shop and refused to refund membership fees. The City of Coronado confirmed for 10News that Ochoa did indeed run a Family Gym in Coronado from 2008 to 2010.

ABC Financial says Ochoa actually owes them a lot of money. They say they haven't charged anyone who has wanted to cancel their membership, and they have had 98 people cancel so far. They urge anyone who wants to cancel to call 800-622-6290.