(KGTV) — Say hello to our Pet of the Week: Pearl!
Meet sweet Pearl, You will often find Pearl lounging around and relaxing with the cutest little sploots. Pearl is excited to receive treats and will come take them from you. She starles a little bit easily so it will take her time to be comfortable in a new environment. Pearl would be great in a forever home that allows her to hide, rest and explore on her own terms. Once she feels comfortable with you, she will show you just how fun-loving and joyful she can be by doing binkies, burrowing in her blankets and zooming around her play area!

San Diego House Rabbit Society
4807 Mercury Street, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92111
(858) 565-2869
Learn more: https://sandiegorabbits.org/
Adoption by appointment only: https://sandiegorabbits.org/adoption-process