“Month of a Million Meals”: Telethon Brings Out Local Celebs

CHP Officer Mark Latulippe and 10News Reporter Kalyna Astrinos
Former Switchfoot band member Drew Shirley
Top Chef Claudia Sandoval
Former Switchfoot band member Drew Shirley and Chopper the Biker Dog
California Ballet Prima Ballerina Reka Gyulai
Attorney King Aminpour and brother Auri
Rachel Shemerani, Barons Market and the Padres Friar
Chef Angeo Sosa (center), Death by Tequila Restaurant
10News Anchor Steve Atkinson and News Director Ed Chapuis
Vince Hall CEO of Feeding San Diego and the famous San Diego Chicken
Attorney King Aminpour and brother Auri and Vince Hall
Chopper the Biker Dog and Mark
Former 10News Military Reporter Bob Lawrence
Disney VoluntEARS having fun in the CEG Interactive photo boothhaving fun in the CEG Interactive photo booth