

County Sets Up 'Cool Zones' As Temperatures Rise

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UPDATED 6/19/2017

Summer Fun: Beat the heat at San Diego's splash-tastic water parks

Temperatures are starting to soar around San Diego County. For kiddos on school break, Southern California's seasonal heat can inflame summer cabin fever symptoms.



With triple-digit temperatures forecast in parts of San Diego, the county Health and Human Services Agency Thursday urged the public to check on the elderly and disabled to make sure they are staying cool.

"Seniors with limited mobility, as well as the disabled and ill, are especially vulnerable to high temperatures," said Dr. Dean Sidelinger, the county's deputy public health officer.

"If they can't cool off at home, take them to a 'Cool Zone,' or mall or other air-conditioned location," he said.

County health officials also reminded the public to never leave children or pets unattended in vehicles for any period of time, even with the windows down, as heat can quickly rise to dangerous levels.

The HHSA has set up more than 100 "Cool Zones" at locations around the county where residents can escape the heat.

The locations of "Cool Zones" can be found at http://bit.ly/bFtZ12 or by calling 800-510-2020.