The Commonness of Prediabetes and Diabetes – Chance or Risk?


Some may ask - why all the buzz about diabetes and prediabetes? Is it really that prevalent?
Decide for yourself: Over eighty-four million Americans now have prediabetes – that’s 1 out of 3 adults! Of those 84 million, 9 out of 10 of them don’t even know they have it. Without taking action, many people with prediabetes could develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

I never got diagnosed with prediabetes, so what?
The SAN DIEGO COUNTY SENIOR HEALTH REPORT reveals that according to CHIS (Community Health Information System) only 14.3% of San Diego residents aged 65 years and older have ever been told by a doctor that they have high pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes, a lower percentage compared to California residents overall.
Not knowing or not being told doesn’t mean you do not have prediabetes or diabetes.

Are you at risk for prediabetes?
Having prediabetes means your blood glucose (sugar) levels are higher than normal—but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. Prediabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes. Prediabetes can often be reversed by taking preventive action.
Take a test if you are at risk here.

Can I do anything about developing diabetes?
While rates of diabetes-related complications have declined overall in the general population, the incidence rates of macrovascular complications such as acute myocardial infarction and stroke continue to be the highest in older age-groups. People with prediabetes have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes and having a heart attackor stroke. There are many things you can do to prevent or delay getting the full onset of type 2 diabetes.
Do not waste any time. Take a chance and act!
Losing weight may help (5-7% of your body weight). Healthy eating and being physically activecan make a big difference.
Diabetes and Aging requires unique considerations and goals of care.
Work with your doctor and caregiving team to set up a plan to help you make healthier food choices and get regular exercise. 150 minutes of physical activity weekly might do the trick already. Do not forget, that includes walking the neighborhood with your family or friends, walking the dog (if you have one), dancing, swimming, cleaning your house, ironing and many activities more.
Get help with quitting smoking(if you smoke), because smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop type 2 diabetes. Make sure to ask how often you should have your glucose levels checked. Your doctor may also talk with you about taking medication to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes.
Fortunately, persons with diabetes today are living much longer compared with those in the past. We also recognize that management of older adults with diabetes is clearly more complicated given the observation that they commonly have multiple coexisting medical conditions that can impact clinical management.
Turn your risk into a chance. Take advantage of the San Diego Diabetes Prevention Program.

Since the near future holds more exciting advances in prediabetes and diabetes care,
how can you be a part of revolutionizing diabetes management?
Many people say participating in a clinical trial is a way to play a more active role in their own health care. Other people say they want to help researchers learn more about certain health problems. Whatever the motivation, when you choose to participate in a clinical trial, you become a partner in scientific discovery. And, your contribution can help future generations lead healthier lives. Major medical breakthroughs could not happen without the generosity of clinical trial participants—young and old, says National Institute on Aging.

AMCR Institute, a premier clinical research center for diabetes, explained the benefits of volunteering for clinical trials. Benefits include:
· A full physical exam at no cost
· Free laboratory work-ups
· No health insurance needed
· Potentially free glucose testing supplies and medication provided
· The possibility of a stipend for time and travel expenses
· Improved health outcomes because of the attention to your overall health
· Improved A1c levels from increased attention to blood sugar levels
· Free education for you and your family and loved ones

By taking an active role in your health care, you both help yourself and further research for other people in your situation. Contact AMCR Institute for more information on clinical trials.

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